
The Still Life Show at Counter Culture Cafe

I'm delighted to announce the opening of my 2nd show at one of Santa Fe's most popular destinations, Counter Culture Cafe! The exhibit opened on Feb 2 and will run through Mar 30 during their regular business hours.

It currently features 19 still lifes. If you live in town, enjoy the art and some delicious food (and CRAZY good desserts). If you live elsewhere, enjoy the pics from the exhibit and feel free to leave a comment on which one is your favorite!


Doing it live at the Los Angeles Art Show

I spent last Saturday at the Los Angeles Art Show. I saw many inspiring things, and took advantage of an adult painting workshop hosted by local artist Davyd Whaley ( His style is very different from mine so I wanted to see what could happen in that environment and with his direction. My mission was to re-purpose and re-envision David Hockney's iconic painting "Mulholland Drive" into a unique, mixed media work of original art. So, without further delay, here's what happened:

The source, a postcard with a copy of "Mulholland Drive: The Road to the Studio" by David Hockney
I cut up the Mulholland postcard into smaller, colorful parts and armed with those, acrylic paints,  color pencils, and 1 hour,  went for it!
Getting messy, and couldn't be happier!
Doing it live!
The clock is ticking...
And voila!
"Mulholland Under Construction"
Mixed media collage
14 x 11"